The benefits of travelling – both at work and in free time

Travel has always been close to Roosa-Maria Lindblad’s heart. She describes herself as a mother of a large family, a world traveller and a gig worker for Seure. Travelling also reflects Roosa-Maria’s work, as she works as a rotating early childhood educator.

Translated by DeepL Translator

In addition to travelling, Roosa-Maria enjoys everyday life.

– Home is the best place in the world for me and my everyday life revolves around it. We are currently building an extension to our home with what we call a shoulder bank, i.e. the joint efforts of family and relatives, says Roosa-Maria.

When the home extension is finished, there will be time again to do things together and travel in your own beloved Dessu camper van, which is like a second home to the family.

Backpack on and let’s go

In the evening, Roosa-Maria checks her backpack one last time and then goes to bed.

In the morning she has to be ready to go, but where she has to go, she will only find out a few minutes before she leaves.

Although her job as an rotating early childhood educator may sound hectic, it has brought Roosa-Maria the freedom and security she craves.

– As a mother of four, I particularly appreciate the ease of everyday life. My working days are always the same length, which makes it easier to manage my daily life and find time for everything important.

Working at different sites brings freedom and variety to my everyday life, and Roosa-Maria has made a lot of wonderful new colleagues. It’s always nice to go to work, which is why she enjoys everyday life so much.

Roosa-Maria Lindblad in Seure’s Book of Friends

Your childhood dream job

As a child, I wanted to be a receptionist. My family owns a business and that sparked my interest in customer service and working with people.

What is your dream now?

I dream of completing the extension of the house. It’s nice to be able to enjoy a quieter everyday life again, without the hustle and bustle of the renovation, and to focus on being together and going on trips with the family.

Your favourite place in the world

Our own home and the Dessu camper van, which is like a second home to us. We have made some memorable trips with Dessu. Last summer, we spent 34 days driving around Europe with Dessu. We visited Germany, France, Spain and Italy.

Your motto

‘Elä nyt.’ (Live now.) I think it’s funny, when pronounced in dialect it changes meaning 😊

Your secret vice

Definitely chocolate. My family has given tacit approval to my vice. The kids have a candy day once a week, but I sneak a piece of chocolate into my mouth more often.

What are the patterns in your life?

The patterns of my life consist of family, work and house extension. The extension of our house is a very big part of my everyday life at the moment. I have made a conscious decision to drop everything else and focus entirely on the renovation. After the renovation, I am planning another trip to Europe with Dessu. This time we are heading along the Via Baltica to Croatia.

What do you do for a living?

I work as a rotating early childhood educator in the Kivistö-Aviapolis area. I work regularly on weekdays and have about 25 different day-care centres in my area. On weekday mornings, I receive a message showing me where I will be working that day. I work extensively with groups of children of different ages where I am most needed. I like my job for its variety and diversity. I don’t have any planning or team responsibilities, so I can focus solely on the children. I feel that my work is really meaningful and it is wonderful to see how much I am awaited and wanted by the nurseries.

The last nice memory from work?

A while ago I visited a kindergarten where I hadn’t worked in over six months. I thought that none of the children would probably remember me, but when I got to the group, a boy came up to me and clearly remembered me. He pointed to the cheering cards hanging around my neck, on one side of which I had glued funny monster stickers. The stickers made him laugh a lot, and it made me feel really good. It was nice to be remembered by the child with my funny cards.

Which will it be, Roosa-Maria?

The Book of Friends is about Seure’s people – life, work and everything in between. This is the fourth volume of the Seure’s Book of Friends.