Changing for the better – Sami switched from cold storage to home care

Sami Airikka, a home care nurse, has made two decisions in his career that have made him a now happy worker for Seure. The first was a change of field and the second was to leave his permanent job.

A warehouse manager changes sector

As a child, Sami was impressed by his uncle’s job as a truck driver. Following in his uncle’s footsteps, Sami ended up behind the wheel himself for a few years to manage removals and freight transport.

– In the end, it just wasn’t for me, Sami says.

The job as a driver changed to a role in warehousing, where Sami progressed to the position of manager and supervisor. While working as a warehouse manager, the idea of another career change began to take shape. Sami eventually left the role to study and become a practical nurse.

As a newly qualified practical nurse, Sami found a job in home care. After three years, it was time for the next career move. The job in home care remained, but the way of working changed.

Building better social and healthcare work

Sami applied and was selected for Seure’s VaraTiimit project. In the project, Seure’s practical nurses and registered nurses test different types of employment. The aim is nothing more and nothing less than to make working life better.

Sami has visited nearly 50 different workplaces during the year. As the project draws to a close, Sami and his colleagues have shared their experiences.

– It’s amazing what we’ve been able to achieve. I have learned new things and been able to share my own knowledge, Sami says happily.

Today Haaga, tomorrow Maunula, next week Suutarila. Sami’s work as a home care nurse takes him around Helsinki – as does cycling.

– My favourite route from home is from Ogeli via the Viikki nature reserve along the shores to Herttoniemi and from there via Mustikkamaa to Kalasatama, Sami says, laughing that in winter the sofa wins out over jumping on the bike.

Sami enjoys watching captivating TV series and movies in the warmth of the sofa.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a firm favorite, and Oppenheimer is one of the most recent films that has stuck with him. At Seure’s Christmas party, the team and I went to see Kaurismäki’s Dead Leaves.

Sami enjoys road cycling in the summer. “In the past, downhill cycling was part of my repertoire, but I had one bad crash and that was it,” Sami laughs.

Sami Airikka in the Seure’s Book of Friends

Your childhood dream job

Fireman, rally driver, truck driver. These changed rapidly as a child.

Your favourite place

Almost anywhere where it’s warm.

Your motto

I have a bit of a nerd answer for this one: 42.

Your secret vice

Roe paste is good. It seems to be the thing that divides opinion.

Your special skill

When it comes to specific details, I have an incredibly good memory. At work, I can easily remember door codes and addresses – that information just sticks in my head. People often say, ‘Ask Sami,’ when they can’t open the computer. On the flip side, I struggle to remember other things, like names.

What is the best thing in your life right now?

Everyday life. When I feel good at work, I feel good in the evenings. It’s great to be able to leave work at the door and not have to think about it afterward. I’m happy with my career change; my job as a warehouse manager was much more stressful.

Latest funny incident at work

I was on a home visit to a grandmother who had significant memory loss, and she was a great coffee drinker. During the visit, she asked me thirty times if I had time to make coffee. By the 30th time I answered the same question, I couldn’t help but smile a little.

What do you appreciate about your colleagues?

When I arrive at work for a gig, people often ask me if I need help. A good working atmosphere is everything.

What’s the best thing about Seure?

The freedom to choose my own gigs. The freedom to choose my own favourite work places. Flexible working hours. If I need time off during the week, I can take a weekend gig.

Which will it be, Sami?

The Seure´s Friends Book is about people in #goodfellowship – life, work and everything in between.